Chapter 1
Installment 2
The day didn’t get any better. Senior year is going to go by in a flash, they said, and I’m sure it will feel like that after graduation. During the second quarter, the end seems so far there’s almost no point in thinking that much ahead. Yet people like Lori have things planned not only for this year but the next.
“Why are you taking all those books?” Lori’s bag is so full that her zipper is straining to not pop open, and she’s still carrying her chem book in her hands as she mentally goes over what’s in her bag.
“We have homework for vocab and I.T. There’s also that chemistry test next week and I have no idea what I’m doing.” She winces a little, tugging her bag over her shoulder and starts walking down the hall. “Oh, and I’m meeting with my tutor for pre-calc today.”
“Tutoring? When did that start?” She slows down a little.
“Two weeks ago… I told you about it.”
“No, I don’t think you did...” I say as we’re almost at the doors.
“Lori.” We both stop to turn to the voice. When she sees who it is she stiffens before schooling her features.
“Hey!” She smiles wide and walks to the trio of girls. Two of them are brunettes that I’ve seen around school, and the other sits behind me in chem. I’m pretty sure her name is Noelle. Her hair looks a lot like mine, though she has hers open and curling around her shoulders, while mine sits at the base of my neck in the desperation bun that I put it in this morning. How did she get such defined curls?
“Alise?” My gaze swings from the coils in the girl’s hair to Lori, who’s looking at me expectantly. “Hm?”
“Are you free Sunday?” Lori knows that I am, but she’s giving me a choice. My head tilts in question, and she continues. “I know you’re not partial to the gym, but there’s a pool there...”
“I wouldn’t mind going for a swim,” The brunette on the right pockets her phone, looking up. I’d rather not go to the gym with these girls; I would probably enjoy doing my Economics assignments more.
“Uh, no.” I look back at Lori as her shoulder drops a little in relief. “I have that vocab test to study for,” I say, glancing over at Lori, who winces a little. “And I’m really behind on Mr. Grey’s work, so—”
“Aw, that’s too bad,” The girl in the middle cuts in, not looking up from her phone. “Maybe next time.” I’m sure they won’t miss me. She looks up at Lori. “Sunday then?”
“Yeah...” she answers.
“We’ll pick you up,” Noelle mutters before they start walking past us toward the door. I wait until they’re a few paces away before I comment.
“That was random.” I study her face as she answers. She shrugs. Taking a few steps forward, and I follow.
“Yeah, I guess it was.”
“How do you know them?” She blinks and takes in a breath.
“I don’t know.” She shrugs again. “Doesn’t really matter.”
“It doesn’t?” I try to keep my tone light. She pushes the door open, and we walk into a wall of Florida heat.
“Always so hot.” She mutters, changing the subject, so I let the topic go.
“Well, Florida really only has one season.”
“Yeah, right?” She huffs. “But usually in November, there’s at least a cool breeze or something.”
“It has gotten a little cooler though.”
“By what, five degrees?” She stops and looks into the parking lot, and I follow her gaze, not seeing anything significant. Just students and... cars...
“Is your dad coming for you?” That was how I usually got home.
“Yeah...” She continues staring, though now she’s squinting a little. I look back towards the lot, and still, all I see are students walking past us. I’m sure they want to go home as much as I do.
“You okay?” I say, pulling her away from the doorway.
“Yeah, it’s just...” her face starts to look contemplative. “Does...” she pauses. “Does that guy look familiar to you?” I look back at the pool of lingering students and cars.
“That guy— is he walking toward us?” I give her a droll look.
“Lori, be for real.”
“Alise!” My head snaps up. And I scan the crowd again, but this time my eyes snag on a guy crossing the pickup zone. I haven’t seen him in years